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  “Mindful Living is available in every moment to heal, connect and empower. Mindfulness offers solid ground for real change.”               Hollye Hurst Ph.D.

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My background includes working as a licensed psychotherapist for 30 years and teaching counseling and social psychology at the University of North Carolina and John K. Kennedy University for many years where I also trained therapists.My masters is in counseling psychology and doctorate in East-West Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco (1995) where I also trained at the Jung Institute and other training centers. This work is rooted in integral, humanistic and relational-cultural psychology and I'm inspired to integrate mindfulness and non-dual teachings into my work. I've also created a new approach to dreamwork called Dream Discovery. And I enjoy and have taught contemplative photography as a path of awareness.  My original mindfulness, meditation and nondual teachers were Jack Kornfield (1986), Thich Nhat Hanh (1986), Dalai Lama (1988), Pema Chodron (2001) and Rupert Spira (2016). I look forward to meeting you.


   “You’re invited to an online or in person consultation.”


Thank you for contacting me!

 “The seeds of suffering may be strong yet we have more possibilities available in each moment than we realize.”                               Thich Nhat Hanh

"What People Are Saying"

“Our work together really laid the groundwork for the rest of my adult life. You helped me get through some seriously challenging issues — helping me figure out who I was, that I was okay and I could heal. Thank you!”                             B. Smith, Berkeley


“I’m confident this will help me for the rest of my life. I feel like I’ve learned how to be a much more complete and successful human being. My new-found peace of mind and confidence is priceless. Your skillful insight has always supported me in getting to the heart of the matter and your gentle humor and unfailing compassion, insight and presence encourages me to relate genuinely and be true to myself.”  Mark J., Mountain View, CA


“A few mindfulness sessions, sand play and dream work and I moved forward more than in many years of previous work.”   Jan, Santa Cruz                      


My work with Hollye was transformational.  Her compassionate, creative, and intelligent approach helped me to establish the tools that I needed to communicate more effectively with my loved ones and quiet my anxiety around life’s large and small challenges.  I chose to work with her initially to delve into dream work for better self-understanding. The experience was priceless!    T.M.


“I now understand my partner so much better and accept and appreciate who he really is. I’ve learned how to ‘collect myself’ with mindfulness and to communicate what I really want to say in a way my partner can hear.  I feared it was over but now we’re happier than ever. And that means everything.”                                                         Sandy, NC


“This work has really opened my eyes to how much meaning and guidance my dreams offer each night. I appreciate that you helped me uncover the dream’s meaning that rings true for me. You asked me just the right questions to help me make my life dreams become a reality.”                               Chris, San Francisco


“I’m so grateful for our work together, especially for your expertise with dreams. I loved the sand play work I did with you and I’m very grateful you’ve been there for me.”                                                                                                                      Clare, Santa Cruz

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