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"I like to think of mindfulness simply as conscious living. Mindfulness provides a simple yet powerful way to get unstuck and back in touch with our natural wisdom and aliveness.”       Jon Kabat Zinn, Ph.D.                                                    

For Individuals & Couples:
Consultations with Hollye Hurst, Ph.D.
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                                                                       How Mindfulness Supports Us


* Live with life’s ups and downs with more equanimity and confidence


* Enhance your emotional intelligence, skillful communication and authenticity in relationships


* Learn to make choices with more awareness, wisdom and commitment to what you truly value


* Change habitual patterns of thoughts, feelings and behaviors allowing you to respond with more awareness and wisdom


* Experience being more fully alive and present in each moment with greater quality of life, wellness and peace of mind

“A growing body of scientific evidence supports the reality of a profound mind-body connection and now recognizes that learning and practicing mindfulness can positively affect your sense of health and wellbeing physically, mentally, and emotionally, while simultaneously offering you a means of discovering a deeper sense of ease and peace of mind."  Saki Santorelli, Ed.D.                                                                               




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